Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York
Explore Every Emotion
Explore Every Emotion

Tap into an uplifting community as you explore all your emotions. And remember — you got this.

Make Your World
Make Your World

Tap into your imagination and create your own masterpiece. Download your FREE activities today and unlock the new Art and Design badges

STEM Starts With You
STEM Starts With You

Inspire the confidence to build the future with STEM! Find all the resources you need to start in our new STEM Playbook.

cartoon troop leader with clip board and troop year plans
Troop Year Plans

A customizable resource featuring our most popular activities to plan a year fun and bright for your Girl Scouts.

Girl Scouts Love State Parks
Girl Scouts Love State Parks

Join the fun at Girl Scouts Love State Parks weekend, lead the way, and unlock a new patch. Download our free activity sheet.

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New Leader Training October 16 Zoom
Start Date: Wed Oct 16, 6:00 PM EST
End Date: Wed Oct 16, 7:00 PM EST
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10/16/24 SWE Brownie Mechanical Engineering Race Car Design - Troy
Start Date: Wed Oct 16, 6:30 PM EST
End Date: Wed Oct 16, 8:00 PM EST
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Troop 3841 Bronze Award Workshop
Start Date: Thu Oct 17, 4:15 PM EST
End Date: Thu Oct 17, 5:15 PM EST