Ignite Her Flame

Melanie Sawyer was born in the Cotswolds on the west coast of England and pretty much spent her childhood mainly in the countryside. She has always been at her most peaceful in the woods and nature, preferring to be surrounded by trees and learning about plants and wildlife rather than attending social gatherings.

Melanie combined her love of 18th century history alongside her traditional living, foraging and survival skills, and founded Thunderhawk Living History School, which teaches historically correct depictions of how life was for people in the 1700's on the North Eastern Coast of the New World and Wild Foods and Wilderness, which teaches the history behind who introduced foreign or long- forgotten native foods to the Americas and how to source and prepare them.

Melanie was chosen out of 43,000 applications to be one of 10 participants for Season 10 the History Channel’s “ALONE” show. She used her knowledge of historical foraging to place 4th out of 10. She hopes the show inspires others to get out into the woods and learn too.

Aiming to inspire and enable children to experience the great outdoors and to share her knowledge, Melanie has started to work with her local Girl Scout Troop, 3602 of Southern Essex County to help the girls attain their Achievement Badges by learning about plant identification and wilderness survival.